Scope of machine learning in India

Every time we open a browser or go through a news feed, someone is writing about machine learning and its impact on both humans and the advancement of artificial intelligence. Machine learning has been highlighted in articles covering everything from Chatbots to self-driving cars and robots that can perform similar tasks like humans. Scope of machine learning in India is huge and already many big companies are defining machine learning as ‘the future’.

What actually ML is.

Machine learning is comprised of algorithms that teach computers to perform tasks that human beings do naturally on a daily basis. Actually, machine learning is the science of making computers act without commands. By analysing patterns in large datasets, computers can make predictions and take action on their own. Machine learning is part of the broader field of AI (Artificial Intelligence). The difference between now and when the models were first invented is that the more information is fed into the algorithms, the more accurate they become. ML already has many commercial applications, like when Amazon makes recommendations on what books you would like, or when Google tells you how long it will take to get to your appointment.


Evolution of ML.

We have seen that machine learning has made dramatic improvements in the past few years, but we are still very far from reaching human performance. Many times, the machine needs the assistance of human to complete its task. At Interactions, we have deployed Virtual Assistant solutions that seamlessly blend artificial with true human intelligence to deliver the highest level of accuracy and understanding.

The ML is one of the most exciting subject for Indian start ups. It can take over many repetitive, mindless tasks. It can make doctors better doctors, and lawyers better lawyers. It can make cars drive themselves.

Bottom line is that Data Science/ML/AI is here to stay and will require a lot of data scientist and machines to churn through the enormous amount of data to draw actionable insights and intelligence across all verticals.




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