An Introduction to Adaptive Intelligence

Adaptive means having an ability to change to suit different conditions. Adaptive Intelligence is a branch of artificial intelligence which deals in both statistical estimation and extensive domain knowledge. Seen as an emerging concept, it is performed via machine learning algorithms such as virtual assistants. It helps in delivering the most relevant output whenever required, by training the data. Boston-based AdDaptive Intelligence (formerly DataPoint Media) and Oracle are among the early companies to inculcate adaptive intelligence.


Areas Covered by Adaptive AI

It focuses mainly on the following three areas. They are:

  • Adaptive intelligence applications are a new category of continuously adapting, self-learning applications powered by enterprise data from transactional business apps, such as customer experience, enterprise resource planning, supply chain management, and human resources. These can operate without human bias and deliver smarter solution to business problems at a very high scale.
  • Platforms provide interactive data visualization capabilities. It ensures a seamless experience across different IoT enabled devices and deployment modes (say hybrid or cloud). It does not compromise between the need for analytic speed by business users and the need to govern data access and preparation by administrators.
  • Data used to power these apps and platforms can be consolidated from different sources. It includes sensor data, with social data or profile information from varied data exchanges. Adapting these types of data generate observations through self-learning algorithms available in the apps. The apps consolidate data, including social data and profile information, from data exchanges.


Uses of Adaptive Intelligence

Incorporating adaptive intelligent applications to business systems is now a necessity.

  • A hiring manager could use Oracle’s Adaptive Intelligence to find people who best match a job description. They could also use it for studying existing job performance information to create the profile of a successful potential candidate.
  • As for a finance professional, Oracle’s AI could be applied to analyze historical business trends and business risk data to optimize cash flow and create an optimal balance between buyers and suppliers.
  • Healthcare industry uses to accurately analyze patient data. A patient’s traits include age, gender and disease history and so on. It also contains disease-specific data, such as diagnostic imaging, gene expressions, physical examination results, clinical symptoms, medication and so on. Besides the traits, adaptive intelligence helps in detecting patients’ medical outcomes.


Gradually, adaptive intelligence will overshadow other business intelligence applications in all the pertaining industries. It will be because of it multi-fold benefits as compared to the traditional analytics. Businesses too need to embrace the newer techniques that are developing day-by-day in order to survive and provide better quality results each time.



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