Artificial Intelligence


Impact of AI on Communication

Communication is the most important factor that induces connectivity and production. Nowadays, AI has come a long way to enhance business communication between consumers. AI applications can apply behavioural science to analyze human behaviour and provide relevant feedback to leverage their emotional intelligence. . Requirements to Establish Communication Proper data is the primary requisite for

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Diabetes Prevention

Use of Artificial Intelligence in Diabetes Prevention

The highest number of people with diabetes is in China and India. India ranks 76th with around 9% prevalence. 46% of people around the world with diabetes go undiagnosed. By 2040, this figure is expected to rise to 642 million worldwide. Many people with diabetes are diagnosed late and hence develop Type II diabetes. Predicting

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Insurance Industry

Artificial Intelligence in the Insurance Industry

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has unfolded its productive power for different industries. Insurance industry can gain tremendously by investing in AI-enabled technology and software. According to a survey, 74% of customers like to interact with computer-generated system of insurance advice. AI helps put massive amount of data to optimal use. Insurers use artificial intelligence for various

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Artificial Intelligence of Things

Emergence of AIoT: Artificial Intelligence of Things

Artificial Intelligence (AI) today is a form of advanced analytics that relies on machine learning (ML), optimization and deep learning. Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) is less of a new industry than it is the combination of pre-existing industries. AI and ML automotive solutions add more intelligence to the “sensing”, “thinking” and “acting” processes of

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Scope of Artificial Intelligence in India

Colloquially, the term Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used when a machine is able to mimic some “cognitive” functions that humans associate with other human minds, such as “learning” and “problem solving”. In other words, any device that perceives its environment and acts to maximise its probability of success at some goal is AI. From SIRI

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