Machine Learning

deep learning

Application of Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis

Medical Image Analysis generally refers to the technique of creating visual representations of the interior of a body. This helps to understand how tissues or organs function. It reveals internal body structures and helps medical practitioners properly diagnose diseases. Deep Learning (DL) systems like Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) can help in presenting a hierarchical representation

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Julia Language

Julia A Preferred Language For Modern ML

Julia is one of those languages suitable for machine learning (ML) as well as deep learning (DL). Started in 2015, it is a low-level systems programming language. Like all other languages, Julia was introduced to overcome the shortcomings of the predecessors. . Features of Julia Julia can handle mathematical expressions with great ease and speed.

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Adaptive Intelligence

An Introduction to Adaptive Intelligence

Adaptive means having an ability to change to suit different conditions. Adaptive Intelligence is a branch of artificial intelligence which deals in both statistical estimation and extensive domain knowledge. Seen as an emerging concept, it is performed via machine learning algorithms such as virtual assistants. It helps in delivering the most relevant output whenever required,

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KNIME – an Ideal Platform for Data Analytics and ML

KNIME is an open-source, modular framework (or platform) for graphically building and executing workflows and data analysis pipelines from predefined components (called “nodes”). As the heading suggests, it is a platform to automate and integrate different components for machine learning and data mining through its modular data pipelining concept. KNIME contains a collection of nodes.

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Artificial Intelligence of Things

Emergence of AIoT: Artificial Intelligence of Things

Artificial Intelligence (AI) today is a form of advanced analytics that relies on machine learning (ML), optimization and deep learning. Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) is less of a new industry than it is the combination of pre-existing industries. AI and ML automotive solutions add more intelligence to the “sensing”, “thinking” and “acting” processes of

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machine learning

A Beginners Approach to Machine Learning Algorithms

There is a big difference between a traditional algorithm and a machine learning algorithm (ML). Traditional algorithms are designed for problems which we already know how to solve and so we explicitly program the computer to solve them. In contrast, machine learning algorithms deal with problems without clear-cut steps towards a solution. In machine learning,

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