Impact of Lock-down on Digital Media

The corona virus pandemic has shaken all industries. For the digital media segment, Covid-19 has proven to be both boon and bane. The pandemic has come as a relief for the media and entertainment sector as people have more time at their disposal. Also, the psychological impact changed consumption patterns. People trapped inside are being flooded with constant negative news, making them anxious about the future and simultaneously online gaming, social media, video streaming, music streaming come as great distractions from the negativity.

Usage Patterns of Digital Media in India

Many Indian consumers are now turning to their sound systems. All thanks to the pandemic which is making people stay indoors mostly. Some of the recent trends being: corona virus updates, being connected on social media, sharing opinions, watching videos. But on the contrary, broadcast content like live sports is being cancelled or postponed

  • Number of visits, downloads, subscriptions in the music apps have increased to some extent.
  • Online gaming category has also seen a surge starting from the second half of March this year.
  • As mentioned earlier, sports section has seen a drastic fall, almost 79% during last week of March.


Effects of Corona in general

Massive disruptions have come up due to this unprecedented change in digital media consumption. Cancellation of live shows/sports have led to reallocation by advertisers and a significant drop in media companies’ income. There will be decline in ad revenue for this quarter as well. Not only above 18 age group, 40% of new users are children. This paved way mostly due to online education system that has increased over a few weeks, given the current situation. Given the fact that people are unable to step out of their houses unless emergency, online/live classes for children and students seems to be the most convenient option now unless the respective schools/colleges declare holiday. Though it mostly depends on the availability of proper infrastructure from both the teachers’ as well as from the student’s end.


Despite the disruption created due to Corona on all aspects, the digital media industry will pave it’s own way through it. Even after normalcy is restored, the economy will hold huge potential and engagement for it. Rise in mobile phone usage and social media usage will help in finding newer and better ways to digitize and monetize content.



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