Self-driven Car Industry – a sneak peek

Among the many applications of machine learning (ML) that has been a success, self-driven car is one of them. A self-driven car, a.k.a. autonomous car or driver-less car is a vehicle which can sense its own environment and drive without any human intervention. Since the last few years, tech companies have been pairing up with car manufacturers to make the autonomous car a success.


Importance of Big Data for self-driven Car

As per former Intel CEO Brian Krzanich, self-driven cars will generate and consume about 40 terabytes of data for every 8 hours they drive. As of now these vehicles are incapable of operating without having plenty of data to analyze from.

  • Some applications of ML algorithms include evaluation of driver’s condition. Analyzing driver’s speech & gesture recognition and language translation.
  • If sensors within the car is combined with satellite navigation, then it would be easier for the car to take decisions on its own.
  • Using pubic data besides CRM database, car manufacturers can decide which type of cars are in demand and where.
  • IoT can help in improving customer experience. By using the censor within cars, or the radio channels which the user plays, AC usage, all these can be used to build a customer profile whenever someone registers as a new user.
  • Besides, by analyzing the driving pattern, the algorithm can detect car theft.
  • Multiple self-driven cars plying on road can communicate among themselves. It will thus help in reducing the number of road accidents. They can track if a traffic jam is coming up or even suggest a different route in such cases.


Future of Self-driven Cars

Communication among the autonomous cars themselves would help in finding alternate route in times of probable traffic jam. This would also lead to reduced road accidents. Having self-driven cars would give people much more free time than before. Commuters could use the time to either finish a project, talk with other co-passengers, watch TV, etc.

As per Daniel B. Work, human drivers naturally create stop-and-go traffic, even in the absence of bottlenecks, lane changes, merges or other disruptions. This phenomenon is called the “phantom traffic jam.” Researchers found that by controlling the pace of the autonomous car in the study, they could smooth-en the traffic flow for all the cars.


Machine Learning alongwith self-driven cars are here to define the future of transportation industry. Use of self-driven cars to regulate traffic flow is the next big innovation coming up. AutoML experiments are also gaining momentum. This development will further enhance the self-driving technology.



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