Machine Learning

Computer vision

Computer Vision – A beginners approach

Computer Vision (CV) is the field of AI which helps computers replicate the human visual system and enables computers to identify images, videos like we do. One such vital application of computer vision is facial recognition, digital image processing. There are many industry applications as well. Computer vision algorithms are heavily utilized to understand customer

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Diabetes Prevention

Use of Artificial Intelligence in Diabetes Prevention

The highest number of people with diabetes is in China and India. India ranks 76th with around 9% prevalence. 46% of people around the world with diabetes go undiagnosed. By 2040, this figure is expected to rise to 642 million worldwide. Many people with diabetes are diagnosed late and hence develop Type II diabetes. Predicting

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Patient Diagnosis

Using Predictive Analytics for Patient Diagnosis

Predictive Analytics is a branch of advanced analytics which is very useful for medical diagnosis in the healthcare industry. Historical data of former patient’s symptoms is applied to assess new patients and reduce misdiagnosis. In healthcare segment, it can cater to patient diagnosis by determining patients who are at risk of developing conditions for example

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KNIME – an Ideal Platform for Data Analytics and ML

KNIME is an open-source, modular framework (or platform) for graphically building and executing workflows and data analysis pipelines from predefined components (called “nodes”). As the heading suggests, it is a platform to automate and integrate different components for machine learning and data mining through its modular data pipelining concept. KNIME contains a collection of nodes.

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Boosting in Machine Learning using XGBoost

XGboost is short for eXtreme Gradient Boosting package. Before diving deep into XGBoost, let us first understand Gradient Boosting and just Boosting. Boosting is a machine learning ensemble meta-algorithm for primarily reducing bias and variance in supervised learning and a family of machine learning algorithms that convert weak learners to strong ones. Algorithms that achieve

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machine learning

A Beginners Approach to Machine Learning Algorithms

There is a big difference between a traditional algorithm and a machine learning algorithm (ML). Traditional algorithms are designed for problems which we already know how to solve and so we explicitly program the computer to solve them. In contrast, machine learning algorithms deal with problems without clear-cut steps towards a solution. In machine learning,

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