Use of Artificial Intelligence in Diabetes Prevention

The highest number of people with diabetes is in China and India. India ranks 76th with around 9% prevalence. 46% of people around the world with diabetes go undiagnosed. By 2040, this figure is expected to rise to 642 million worldwide. Many people with diabetes are diagnosed late and hence develop Type II diabetes. Predicting patients with Type II diabetes is necessary to have a better understanding of these complications. A broader approach to Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help healthcare providers better understand the disease and help in diabetes prevention.


Approach towards predicting diabetes using AI

  • The goal is to create an AI-based platform that predicts an individual’s risk for developing Metabolic Syndrome related diseases such as Type II diabetes prevention.
  • Data collection and it’s storage is the most crucial part of this system. Providers can add the diagnostic description with automated ICD-9 (now ICD-10) coding for every patient using an advanced dashboard.
  • The random forest gives a better accuracy than logistic regression model or a single decision tree, without parameter tuning.


Examples of how technology helps in diabetes prevention

Technologies such as FreeStyle Libre system are examples of how artificial intelligence helps in diabetes prevention. Not only does it help people in improving their glucose, but also better manage their condition. AI-backed mobile health tools help to reduce the need for in-person appointments and patient-provider interaction.

Livongo Health leverages big data analytics to empower diabetic patients to manage their conditions more efficiently. A reinforcement learning platform is used to look at the data and generate multiple personalized messages. These messages are sent back to their members to finalize which process works best for which member.

Bigfoot Biomedical harnesses artificial intelligence to develop a closed-loop system. It helps users to respond to food, exercise, insulin and adjust the dose accordingly.

A global diabetes data management company, Glooko provides HIPAA-compliant and broadly compatible web and mobile apps. It’s diabetes management platform leverages predictive algorithms to empower healthcare providers. It uses tools to analyze population trends and provide personalized recommendations.

Not only that, AI also helps in diabetes reversal. For example, Virta Health, a Silicon Valley-based startup, provides alternative treatment for Type II diabetes without any surgery or medication. It takes a nutrition-centric approach by relying on a ketogenic diet. It makes the body burn fat instead of carbs. This app allows users to enter blood sugar, ketones and other inputs. It then connects the patient with a specially assigned clinician. It also allots a health coach for real-time professional help and consultation.

GlucoMe, an Israeli startup is a cloud-based platform which enables medical practitioners to monitor a patient’s blood glucose and insulin. Thus aiding in diabetes prevention.


Nowadays, various machine learning techniques help in population health management. Henceforth, it has contributed to a steady drop in the number of new cases since 2009. Lastly, we can say that AI has proved to be extremely beneficial in diabetes prevention.



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