Work from Home during Corona Virus

Corona virus has spread a havoc right at the start of 2020 and the whole world is at a toss. Everyone is inside their home, maintaining social distancing, no meetups, no going to schools, colleges, offices. But offices, businesses cannot wait, else economy will come to a standstill. The most common and convenient way to keep working is the famous ‘work from home’. This is also sought after by most employees as they can work from the comfort of their home. Earlier, this technique was not given much importance unless in case of dire need. But now, work from home has become a necessity.

To keep check on the spread of virus, it is needed for all of us to be self quarantined and work accordingly. People are now struggling to remain productive. Public cloud has helped a lot to make things done. It has helped in enabling in video conferencing, remote project collaboration, gaming, etc.


Impact of Lockdown

Data centres are taking different measures to make this virtual environment ready. Till the lockdown was officially announced, when staffs reached their respective offices, their temperatures were checked regularly. Healthcare is such a segment where the staffs do not have the liberty to stay home and relax. But at least due to VR-based diagnostics, doctors or nurses do not need to be always with the patient unless totally required.

Some corporate offices have rules that the hardware or the data on an employee’s desktop cannot leave the office premises. This is where VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) comes to play. VDI allows users to work from any location as long as it has network connectivity. When a global crisis like this occurs, time becomes a crucial factor as the technical team need to make all necessary arrangements within a short span of time.


Technology enhanced Work From Home

Two of the most important factor and prerequisite which help in work from home are:

  • Time management – Different employees working from different time zones, they coordinate via emails and set up a common time for meetings.
  • Data security – This is something which cannot be compromised at any cost. It involves taking an extra care about the equipments; special care should be taken while working during travel; cross-cut shredder could come handy for disposal of sensitive documents after use.


No matter the difficulty, this pandemic situation has brought all of us together and even enhanced technology to help in connecting with people in a more efficient & smart manner. Work from home paradigm is at a whole advanced level now.



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